Monday, January 30, 2012

there's a new electronic netlabel in town :)

It's been an intense last couple of days for me, but in a great fuckin' way you know? The label's actually online Well, not as it should be, not yet,..but that's got more to do with the way I am then anything else ;)

You see, I (the name's Steven btw, unless I go crazy digital and start harassing synths and what not...then it's dOKTORANDOm) was actually having some talks with a few labels ( well 2 actually, to be honest) last week. Basically, they told me they loved what I was doing with my music, but both actually suggested that maybe I should focus my efforts towards a single style or at least tiune my productions to wards the same general ball park! Needless to say, it was starting to seriously piss me off!
Now at the very same time, I was getting tons of really nice compliments and credit from lots of fellow musicians, which is something I hold in way higher regard than whatever some fuckin' label scout tells me! ( I know I know, I probably had the world's shittiest luck with the two I was dealing with, but a man's gotta vent g'damnit ;) ). got me thinking about how nice it would be to have complete control over the entire process! I mean, I'm not retarted so I actually did realize that this also would mean a shitload of work, but still :)
Let me come to the point: That was like 4 days ago, not even ^_^ And now this crazy bastard has himself a label :)) Just saying..apparently I REALLY don't like people telling me what I can and cannot do lol ;)

I fucking love how this whole thing has actually made me more focused on the fact that I love making music, you know, and I'm a happier man for  it :)

Why don't you come check my music out for yourselves and let me know what you think? I'd love to know :)

Here's the direct link to the label page on my site:
and here's my souncloud account:

And do me a favor will ya? If you like what you're hearing, tell every living soul you think might be even a little bit interested about KAOTiK dYNAMiX LAb!